century – 20th century
- "The Eyes looked at her thoughtfully" W. W. Denslow, 1900
- "She caught Toto by the ear" W. W. Denslow, 1900
- The Sentient Beings According to the Burmese Anonymous, 1906
- Hell According to the Burmese Anonymous, 1906
- The Habitations of the Sentient Beings According to the Burmese Anonymous, 1906
- Burmese Map of the World Anonymous, 1906
- Horned Owl Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita, 1915
- Figure Riding a Pheasant on the Beach Bernard Essers, ca. 1920
- Bird of Paradise Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita, 1914
- The Black Cat Aubrey Beardsley, 1901
- Bullfighters José Guadalupe Posada, ca. 1900
- Georgia O'Keeffe - Hands and Thimble Alfred Stieglitz, 1919
- Dog's Head Julie de Graag, 1920
- Two Owls Julie de Graag, 1921
- Gnashing its Teeth, and Flashing Fire Harry Clarke, 1919
- They Swarmed Upon Me in Ever-Accumulating Heaps Harry Clarke, 1919
- Electrical Discharge Anonymous, 1909
- The Earth Grew Dark, and its Figures Passed By Me Harry Clarke, 1919
- The Lady Madeline of Usher Harry Clarke, 1919
- In His Toilsome Journey to the Water His Fears Redoubled within Him Harry Clarke, 1919
- I Would Call Aloud upon her Name Harry Clarke, 1919
- Deep, Deep, and For Ever, into some Ordinary and Nameless Grave Harry Clarke, 1919
- Snow Crystal I Wilson Bentley, ca. 1910s
- Snow Crystal VI Wilson Bentley, ca. 1910s